Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Et tu' Brute' ?

Beware the Ides (15th) or how about any day in March? In recent years March seems to have become a harbinger of bad things. My beloved father-in-law passed on Mar. 9th, 2000 - yesterday was the 9 year anniversary of his death which made for a hard day. We miss him badly. On the 2nd this month, our 20 year old cat died of old age. He breathed his last breath lying on the sofa next to my husband; talk about hard. This alone, keeps us from even thinking about replacing him. It was very hard to watch him deteriorate and fight the death that was coming to claim him. I have a whole new respect for people that have to watch a loved one suffer.. I mean, I knew it was hard, but dang. I hope the cat is the only one I'll have to witness end that way. The 3rd of the month is Sean's birthday - one glimmer of happiness - although his birthday is flagged with the memories of his dad, and now the cat.

And - there's still 21 days left in this month.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

a brand new year

got any resolutions? mine are same as always; lose weight & exercise, get more organized, don't fall behind in so many things, blah, blah, etc. well, it's feb. 1st and i haven't made much effort toward any of those. where is my motivation? i can keep adding to the resolution list : visit CT more often, get more quality time with family.. hopefully i will start crossing some of these things off the list.
girl scout cookies sales were not great this year. we sold about the same as last year but the troop as a whole sold less. a true reflection of the economy, i suppose.
annie is enjoying hip-hop dance classes this school year. i can't wait for their recital in the spring; so far the dance moves are top secret and we have no idea what she's learned, she won't show us! she seems to really like it and that's what counts. she also loves being a brownie. we never have to ask her to get ready to go, she's ready! she's doing very well in school, although i wish she would apply herself more. she could easily handle the advanced learning program but avoids it like the plague! i need to come up with some incentive for her to dig in to her education. hmmmm.
i'm excited about planning a baby shower for my best friend. it's been a few years since i've done anything like it and it's fun, especially with great help.