Beware the Ides (15th) or how about any day in March? In recent years March seems to have become a harbinger of bad things. My beloved father-in-law passed on Mar. 9th, 2000 - yesterday was the 9 year anniversary of his death which made for a hard day. We miss him badly. On the 2nd this month, our 20 year old cat died of old age. He breathed his last breath lying on the sofa next to my husband; talk about hard. This alone, keeps us from even thinking about replacing him. It was very hard to watch him deteriorate and fight the death that was coming to claim him. I have a whole new respect for people that have to watch a loved one suffer.. I mean, I knew it was hard, but dang. I hope the cat is the only one I'll have to witness end that way. The 3rd of the month is Sean's birthday - one glimmer of happiness - although his birthday is flagged with the memories of his dad, and now the cat.
And - there's still 21 days left in this month.
baby boy...turkey...and stuff
16 years ago