I'll say something about today. People should not bring children under 3 to the movies. I don't care if it's even a kid's movie. Kids under 3 are not able to sit quietly for more than an hour. They should not be allowed to ruin the movie for every other kid/person 3 rows ahead and back and to the sides. So, to the stupid woman at the Riverstone, Carmike theater yesterday afternoon: you suck. And to the nice couple of grandparents with their 4 grandsons at the same theater today: you rock. They were the most well-behaved boys I have seen in a group in my life, I'm pretty sure of it. You could see the respect and the love. Keep doing whatever you do. (Just so you all don't think I'm only picking on the stupid ones :P)
baby boy...turkey...and stuff
16 years ago